What if I invest money and cryptocurrency is banned
worldwide the next day?

2 min readDec 31, 2020

Five years ago, most people waited for the day when cryptocurrency would be officially banned…

These days, many countries around the world have already recognized the relevance of cryptocurrency…Cryptocurrency has gained such momentum that no one can simply press the stop button now.

Do you really think that this fact does not prove you can invest your money without fear of various prohibitions and restrictions?

Well, let’s just consider the future of cryptocurrency through the example of the Tesla company…Currently, the cost of a Tesla is estimated in the amount that, according to the expert forecasts, it will not be able to make back its expense in 300 years.

Why do smart experts rate Teslas so highly then?

Let’s puzzle it out…These days, an electric car is beautiful and stylish but expensive and not a very practical vehicle…However, experts are not concerned about today, they visualize a future that can become a reality in 20 or 30 years…It is difficult to imagine in years to come to the ordinary cars we see daily in the streets now…Therefore, it is the electric vehicle that will have a bright and successful future, and Tesla is likely to occupy a leading position in the market.

It turns out that, no one knows for certain whether Tesla will hold its position in the market for the next 20–30 years, or not…However, many people strongly believe it will, and this belief makes them invest in the company !!

Personally, I can easily believe that Tesla will hold a monopoly in the entire automotive manufacturing sector in the next 20 years.

How is this example linked to the future of cryptocurrency?

Nowadays, some people view cryptocurrency (like an electric vehicle) as meaningless — a fashionable, interesting, and technically curious trend…

However, this tiny drop now is likely to grow into a large dominant sea in the future…What we all agree on is the power and the birth future of Blockchain technologies.

Blockchain technology remains a quickly-growing area of growth for companies across a host of industries…It is possible that blockchain technology will ultimately be seen as the most important innovation to come out of the cryptocurrency…it has the potential to provide a much faster and cheaper alternative to traditional cross-border payments methods.

For that practical reason, many countries will consider Blockchain technology as a faster, and highly secure payment method… which makes us as investors believe in the industry…Wich also affects the cryptocurrency market means more growth and more regulation…Nevertheless cryptocurrencies aren't going anywhere soon.




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